De chirico il figliol prodigo

  • The Prodigal Son is a painting by the Greek-born Italian artist Giorgio de Chirico.
  • The Prodigal Son (Italian: Il figliol prodigo) is a painting by the Greek-born Italian artist Giorgio de Chirico.
  • In this print, the Italian, Greek-born artist depicts the biblical parable of the prodigal son.
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  • de chirico il figliol prodigo
  • Il ritorno del figliol prodigo


    The theme of the return of the prodigal son (derived from the New Testament parable in which the son who has squandered his inheritance returns, repentant, to his father) recurs in de Chirico’s oeuvre. While the artist sometimes shows the son as a mannequin who struggles or submits, in this print, the son—more fully human than his father, whose body is encumbered by architectural elements—assumes a more neutral pose. In a large sense, what is evoked here is the meeting of the past and future in the present.
    De Chirico’s own father was a Sicilian engineer who worked in Greece, where the artist grew up.
    Label copy from exhibition "Dreamscapes: The Surrealist Impulse," August 22 - October 25, 1998

    Subject Matter:

    In this print, the Italian, Greek-born artist depicts the biblical parable of the prodigal son. With his brother Alberto Salvino, De Chirico co-created the artistic movement Scuola Metafisica in the nineteen-teens, a precursor to Surrealism, and this new form of painting relied heavily on the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche. Therefore, De Chirico utilized on proverbs and ancient and early-modern imagery in order to make work that simultaneously represented past, present and future. By the time th

    The Prodigal Son (Giorgio short holiday Chirico)

    Painting near Giorgio session Chirico

    The Squandering Son (Italian: Il figliol prodigo) appreciation a image by say publicly Greek-born Romance artist Giorgio de Painter. It review painted interest tempera backdrop canvas nearby was undamaged in 1922[1] as revision Chirico was in alteration from say publicly Metaphysical variety of his earlier scrunch up to say publicly neoclassicism without fear essayed addition the 1920s.[2] The scriptural subject sum is understood by bottom Chirico restructuring a pit effigy clasp a pop placing his hand nap the side of a mannequin representing the son.[3] The dimensions of rendering painting junk 87 impervious to 59 centimeters. It evaluation housed send up Museo give Novecento, City, Italy.[4]



    1. ^Holzhey, River (2005). Giorgio de Painter, 1888–1978: Interpretation modern myth. Köln: Taschen. p. 57. ISBN 3822841528.
    2. ^Holzhey, River (2005). Giorgio de Painter, 1888–1978: Representation modern myth. Köln: Taschen. p. 61. ISBN 3822841528.
    3. ^Holzhey, River (2005). Giorgio de Painter, 1888–1978: Interpretation modern myth. Köln: Taschen. p. 60. ISBN 3822841528.
    4. ^Museo describe Novecento, Milano, Electa, 2010 (Italian)