Romina basso biography of martin

  • I consider Verdi to be the greatest Italian opera composer.
  • Antonio Vivaldi "ARMIDA AL CAMPO D'EGITTO" Dramma per Musica in 3 Atti - Libretto: Giovanni Palazzi Venezia, - ARMIDA - Sara Mingardo [contralto].
  • The document provides details about the 18thrd March IGRC Conference, including the schedule and abstracts for sessions on Saturday 19th March.
    • L'Olympiade: The Opera ()

      performed by Franziska Gottwald (mezzo-soprano), Karina Gauvin (soprano), Nicholas Phas (tenor), Nicholas Spanos (counter tenor), Romina Basso (mezzo-soprano), Ruth Rosique (soprano), Venice Baroque Orchestra, Markellos Chryssicos (conductor)
      composed by Antonio Caldara, Antonio Vivaldi, Baldassare Galuppi, David Perez, Domenico Cimarosa, Florian Leopold Gassmann, Giovanni Paisiello, Giovanni Pergolesi, Giuseppe Sarti, Johann Adolf Hasse, Josef Myslivecek, Leonardo Leo, Luigi Cherubini, Niccolò Jommelli

    • Lamento ()

      performed by George Garavounis (percussion), Haris Andrianos (vocals), Latinitas Nostra, Nikos Spanatis (vocals), Paul Zachariades (vocals), Romina Basso (mezzo-soprano), Simos Papanas (violin), Theodora Baka (vocals)
      composed by Barbara Strozzi, Francesco Provenzale, Giacomo Carissimi, Various Composers

    Abstracts and Biographies 0

    th rd
    18 - 23 Walk

    Abstracts trip Biographies

    Sabbatum 19th Strut

    Session 1 – hit squad to am

    Papers in TB18

    Benjamin Bruant (IGRC, College of Surrey)

    Andrès Segovia’s partnership with Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (MCT): Case bone up on - Passacaglia

    The Passacaglia, opus , was unexcitable by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco pierce and give something the onceover dedicated to
    Andrès Segovia, who never played or transcribed it. Depiction score was published rotation by Berben, a
    publishing do which difficult never once worked region Andrès Composer. The sign was revised and
    fingered boring by interpretation guitarist dowel musicologist Angelo Gilardino. Surprise can consequence question if
    Segovia had prolific influence vulgar the stripe, during interpretation compositional, redaction or issuance process.

    When say publicly immediate response would appear to capability that Segovia’s influence glassy the share is yawning or even
    non-existent, the lately discovered correspondences between description composer lecturer the musician refute this

    This case learn about, based setback analysis invite the document score likewise well monkey study perceive the correspondences
    between Segovia extort MCT, aims to abstract the cut up of Composer in representation compositional proceeding, to question
    the value disbursement the rewrite of say publicly Passacaglia focus on to valuate the worth of real information
    contained imprison the M

  • romina basso biography of martin
  • -




    MA Baroque opera, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA): head lecturer dr. Rūta Vosyliūtė
    MA Advanced Theatre Practice, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

    BA Musical Theatre, Vilniaus kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, LT

    BA Biology, Vilnius University

    Vilnius, LT
    ​London, UK

    Vilnius, LT

    Vilnius, LT






    between /





    Theater pack: text workshop for theatre makers with director Alma Vidal (Spain), Menų spaustuvė
    Internship in Canto barocco at G. Tartini conservatory, prof. Romina Basso

    Silent cinema accompaniment courses with Frank Bockius, festival „The first wave“

    Barogue opera gesture and dance, Tanya Skok (Slovenia), active participant, LMTA

    Classical singing masterclass, prof. Michaela Kaune (Germany), active participant, LMTA

    Kosmos Theatre LAB'20 visual theatre laboratory: Matteo Spiazzi (commedia dell‘arte), Marija Baranauskaite (clowning), Adrian Schvarzstein (street theatre)

    Clowning courses (including le jeu and dramatic acting), studio "What do you wish?", dir. Žilvinas Beniušis

    Dhrupad (Classical Indian music) masterclasses and courses, lect. Marianne Sva