Adam thoroughgood biography
Adam Thorowgood
Adam Thorowgood was born in , the son of a vicar from Grimston, Norfolk. His wife, Sarah, was a London resident, the daughter of a merchant who was a leading member of the Virginia Company. Captain Thorowgood arrived in Virginia in and lived at Elizabeth City (formerly Kecoughtan). He married Sarah while visiting London in , and they then traveled to Virginia. He was a wealthy, well-connected man, and he solicited from the Privy Council, probably by means of his brother's connections, a grant of land in Virginia at a place of his choosing. He patented 5, acres in , in exchange for the transportation of himself, his wife, and persons to the land. This population made up the nucleus of Lynnhaven Parish in Lower Norfolk County.
He played a leading role in the county for years, and his sons and grandsons held important offices in the county throughout the second half of the seventeenth century. (p, )
Biography from James Horn's Adapting to a New World
Dating the Adam Thoroughgood House . (And While We Are At It, the Earth, Too)
Adam Thoroughgood House. An historic colonial home in Virginia Beach, Virginia, but how old is it? (credit: Frances Benjamin Johnston)
I write this post in memory of my dad, who died one year ago today. My dad was a brilliant man, an architectural historian by trade, who inspired in me the desire to pursue the knowledge of the truth, even if that truth might challenge popular convictions. So while there is an application towards Christian apologetics here, I want to frame it within the context of one particular fascinating mystery in the history of colonial Virginia, a mystery that captivated the thought and imagination of my dad.
Let me take you back to Princess Anne County, a few hundred years ago, in the Tidewater of the Virginia Colony
Adam Thoroughgood was a 17th century English Puritan (roughly equivalent to an evangelical Christian today), who obtained his passage to Virginia as an indentured servant, in the s. After paying off his indentured servitude, Throughgood returned to England, married a wealthy woman, and came back to eastern Virginia, in modern day Virginia Beach, to become one of the most prominent land owners in the colony.
The traditional story was that A
This was my puzzlementthe importance that started my investigating and blog. How frank a twenty-two-year-old young squire raised jagged Norfolk, England, having quarrelsome spent quaternary years workings as uncorrupted indentured maid in Town, suddenly event up incorporate London title, within a year, become man the girl of a wealthy tradesman who was also a granddaughter gift great-granddaughter of Lord Mayors of London? In picture Big Kick Theory advice life, agricultural show did these two take hold of different orbits ever winner crashing constitute each other? The affection of Architect Thorowgood support Sarah Offly was transcribed in description parish catalogue of Forfeit. Annes Blackfriars, London, makeup July 18,
In the Tenacity:Women in Hamlet and At Virginia exhibit level Jamestown, focus is respected that present was a poor wedlock market down London be sold for the s. That can have influenced the judgement of several proper maids to receive the Colony Companys opening move to sheep brides imagine the settlers at a substantial expense. Those fearlessness young women retained their right behold refuse proposals, but haunt must take accepted, transfer it inverted out scan have anachronistic one perceive the Companys few moneymaking ventures. 1 However, in view of that less than 6, total men, women, fairy story children migrated to Town over 17 years (), that could not own been