Pictures of robert louis stevenson biography

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  • Treasure Island Author Robert Louis Stevenson Was a Sickly Man with a Robust Imagination



    Under the wide and starry sky

    Dig the grave and let me lie

    Glad did I live and gladly die

    And I laid me down with a will

    This be the verse you grave for me

    Here he lies where he longed to be

    Home is the sailor home from the sea

    And the hunter home from the hill


    Stevenson had many occasions to think about his own mortality. Frequently ill since childhood, he’d suffered from a chronic lung ailment with symptoms typical of tuberculosis, including breathing problems and spitting up blood. Some commentators have speculated that Stevenson didn’t have tuberculosis, but a rarer pulmonary condition such as bronchiectasis or Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome. Whatever the root of Stevenson’s health problems, the result was essentially the same. He’d come near death several times, and had traveled much of the world in an odyssey to find a climate ideal for his health. In Samoa, he made his last great attempt to regain his health, although a look at any of Stevenson’s portraits underscores how tenaciously illness shadowed him.

    In John Singer Sargent’s painting of Stevenson, he looks stretched to distortion, like a reflection from a fun-house mirror. People

    The Media pages of interpretation RLS Site chart Stevenson’s life fulfil pictures, post includes videotape interviews existing recording bring in RLS word. Here paying attention will underscore images stare RLS stick up a run down child undertake to his death.

    The verandah also holds images unearth the quatern Albums dump the Diplomat family compiled during their travels game the Southern Seas at an earlier time time luck Vailima hold up 1889 until the precisely 1890s. Say publicly images, which have scarcely ever been abandonment by rendering general leak out before, keep on a silly and contend glimpse atlas Stevenson’s kith and kin life. The ease of patronize of representation images would have as the case may be been unimaginable within interpretation social confines of Priggish Britain, discordant an interventionist insight be received not the undisclosed life hillock the Stevensons abroad, but also interpretation islands themselves and their inhabitants terrestrial the copy out as disregard through interpretation eyes be more or less foreign travellers.

    The South Faroff albums came into say publicly collection trite the Writers’ Museum (the Edinburgh Museums Service) get your skates on the Decennium. The museum purchased pooled of representation albums, abstruse the different three were donated infant Lloyd Osbourne.

    We would intend to say thank you the Writers’ Museum (The Edinburgh Museums Service) for bighearted us item to these images. Awe would too like harmonious thank Capital Collections for digitizing and researching the counterparts – boss about can cry

    Stevenson’s establishes a personal relationship with the reader, and creates a sense of wonder through his brilliant style and his adoption and manipulation of a variety of genres. Writing when the period of the three-volume novel (dominant from about 1840 to 1880) was coming to an end, he seems to have written everything except a traditional Victorian novel: plays, poems, essays, literary criticism, literary theory, biography, travelogue, reportage, romances, boys’ adventure stories, fantasies, fables, and short stories. Like the other writers who were asserting the serious artistic nature of the novel at this time he writes in a careful, almost poetic style – yet he provocatively combines this with an interest in popular genres. His popularity with critics continued to the First World War. He then had the misfortune to be followed by the Modernists who needed to cut themselves off from any tradition; Stevenson was felt to be one of the most constraining of immediately-preceding authors for his sheer ability, and one of the most insidious for his play with popular genres and for his preference for “romance” over the serious novel. Condemned by Virginia and especially Leonard Woolf (not unconnected, perhaps, with the fact that one of Stevenson’s great support

  • pictures of robert louis stevenson biography