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Continuum mechanics, Theoretical stress analysis, Theory of elasticity, Strain gages, The Wheatstone Bridge, Strain gage rosettes, Optical methods, Computer vision, Photoelasticity, Moiré Method, Digital Image Correlation, Holographic Interferometry, Optical and electron microscopy techniques, Sensors and actuators, Health monitoring of structures and systems, Reliability and failure analysis, Micro and nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS), Electronic, optical, magnetic and thermal properties of materials and devices, Mechanics of materials, Instrumentation, Molecular machines, Experiments in bio and nanotechnologies, Single cell, tissue and biosystem experimentation, Characterization of synthesis and processing of materials and devices, Smart materials and structures, System identification and inverse problems, Micro and nanofluidics, Multiphysics and multiscale modeling of experiments
- Experimental Mechanics of Solids by Cesar A. Sciammarella and Federico M. Sciammarella
- Handbook of Experimental Solid Mechanics by William N. Sharpe Jr.
- Handbook on Experimental Mechanics by Albert S. Kobayashi
Manufacturing engineering and technology in SI units [8 ed.] ,
Table of contents : •
Title Page
About the Authors
General Introduction
I.1 What Is Manufacturing?
I.2 Product Design and Concurrent Engineering
I.3 Design for Manufacture, Assembly, Disassembly, and Service
I.4 Environmentally Conscious Design, Sustainable Manufacturing, and Product Life Cycle
I.5 Selection of Materials
I.6 Selection of Manufacturing Processes
I.7 Computer-integrated Manufacturing
I.8 Quality Assurance and Total Quality Management
I.9 Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing
I Manufacturing Costs and Global Competition
I Trends in Manufacturing
Part I: Fundamentals of Materials: Behavior and Manufacturing Properties
Chapter 1. The Structure of Metals
Types of Atomic Bonds
The Crystal Structure of Metals
Deformation and Strength of Single Crystals
Grains and Grain Boundaries
Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals
Recovery, Recrystallization, and Grain Growth
Cold, Warm, and Hot Working
Key Terms
Review Questions
Qualitative Problems
Quantitative Problems
Synthesis, Design, and Projects
Chapter 2. Mechanical Behavior, Testing, and Manufacturing Properties of Materials
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