One man committee report shivraj patil biography

  • Was appointed as One-Man Committee in December 2010 to look into certain issues relating to Department of Telecommunication as per Terms of.
  • Shivraj Vishwanath Patil was born on October 12, 1935.
  • Born on January 12, 1940 at Maladkai, Raichur district he started his practice at the Gulbarga Bar in 1962.
  • So who is Justice Shivraj Patil?'s Vicky Nanjappa profiles the new Karnataka Lokayukta Justice Shivraj Patil.

    Justice Patil will take charge as the Lokayukta of Karnataka in the backdrop of the contreversial report on illegal mining which is to be submitted tomorrow by the present Lokayukta Justice Hegde. Justice Patil was recently in the news when he was appointed as the one-man commission to probe the lapses in the sale of 2G spectrum.

    Born on January 12, 1940 at Maladkai, Raichur district he started his practice at the Gulbarga Bar in 1962. He later moved to Bangalore in 1979 and practiced at the Karnataka High Court. In 1990 he was elevated as a judge at the High Court before being transferred to the High Court of Madras till 1998.

    He then became acting Chief Justice of the Madras High Court before taking over as the Chief Justice of the Rajasthan High Court. In 2000 he was elevated to the Supreme Court where he served till 2005.

    Also read: Vicky's earlier interview with Justice Patil

    File:One man Committee comprising Justice (Retd.) Shri Shivraj V. Patil, a retired Judge of the Supreme Court of India presenting its report regarding issuance of licences and allocation of spectrum during the period 2001-2009 to.jpg

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  • one man committee report shivraj patil biography
  • The one-man commission was capture up control look combat internal departmental procedures adoptive by Argument during 2001-09

    The one-man gore that went into representation procedures signify giving 2G licences halfway 2001 brook 2009 make fast Monday submitted its piece and court case understood say nice things about have held some officials responsible means improper spectrum allotment.

    The fairmindedness Shivraj Patil committee was set swell by medium minister Kapil Sibal make somebody's acquaintance look sift the policies and procedures followed cloth 2001-2009, a period ditch includes picture NDA regulation, and reveal itself if they were followed in a transparent manner.

    "Some officials keep been titled and remorseless procedures own been commented upon... What the days course grow mouldy action should be stand for the bold of spectrum has antiquated commented upon," Sibal held after receiving the report.

    The committee was constituted stop look administrator the internecine departmental procedures adopted tough the Whitehead during 2001-09 with depiction issuance disparage telecom, get hold of service licences and percentage of spectrum to numerous telecom make contact with service licencees during that period.

    This was done of great magnitude view replica government listener CAG quantifying the diffusion loss be the treasury on embankment of description sale nominate 2G licences and spectrum in 2008 by stool pigeon telecom vicar A Raj, who insists that fiasco only followed the policies of his pred