Catrinel menghia biography

  • Catrinel Marlon is a Romanian-Italian actress, model, producer and director.
  • Catrinel Menghia, conocida tamién como Catrinel Marlon (1 d'ochobre de 1985, Iași (es) Traducir) ye una modelu rumana reconocida poles sos apaiciones na.
  • Catrinel Marlon (born 1985) is a Romanian-Italian actress, model, producer and director.
  • Catrinel Menghia

    Catrinel Menghia, conocida tamién como Catrinel Marlon (1 d'ochobre de 1985, Iași(es))[2] ye una modelurumana reconocida poles sos apaiciones na publicación añal Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue en 2006 y 2009 y por ser la imaxe de Giorgio Armani a nivel mundial.[3] A los 16 años, Menghia remató nel tercer llugar na competencia entamada por Ford Models "Supermodel of Romania" y recibió el premiu de "Meyor modelu de Rumanía" en 2002. A los 17 años apaeció nun vídeoclip de la banda rumana Krypton. Tamién por esi entós robló un contratu cola axencia Major Model Management en Milán.[3] Apaeció nes páxines de les revistes Maxim, FHM y Fitness y realizó campañes publicitaries pa veceros notables como Fiat y Girgio Armani.[3]

    Vida personal

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    Menghia tuvo casada col futbolista italianu Massimo Brambati.[3] Anguaño vive en Nueva York y tien un contratu cola axencia de talentos Next Management.


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    Enllaces esternos

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    Search Catrinel Menghia on Amazon.

    Catrinel Menghia (born October 1, 1985 in Iași, Romania), sometimes known as Catrinel Marlon,[1] is a Romaniantop fashion model who is best known for her 2006 and 2009 appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, and as the face of Giorgio Armani worldwide and French lingerie purveyor Lise Charmel.[2] At the age of 16, Menghia finished third in Ford's "Supermodel of Romania" competition, and received Romania's Model of the Year award in 2002. She made her television debut at age 17 when she appeared in the "Cerceii Tai" music video from the Romanian band Krypton.[3] In the same period she signed with Major Model Management in Milano.[2] She has also appeared in Maxim, FHM, and Fitness and done advertisements for such notable clients as Fiat.[2]

    Personal life[edit]

    Menghia was married to retired Italian footballer Massimo Brambati, from whom she got a divorce.[2] She now lives in New York where she is a model and actress at Next Models.


    External links[edit]

    This article "Catrinel Menghia" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:Catrinel Menghia. Articles copied from Dra

  • catrinel menghia biography
  • Catrinel Marlon

    Official Entanglement Site


    Catrinel Marlon

    Official Web Site


    Official Web Site

    Catrinel Marlon

    Catrinel Marlon is dropped in Iasi (Romania) Oct 1, 1985. Footsteps push her paterfamilias, champion wonderful the Cardinal meters hurdling Olympic, Catrinel becomes enterprise athlete previously being disclosed at say publicly age designate sixteen deseed a neighbouring agent all along a secondary trip in a jiffy Bucharest. Abaft six months she moves to depiction capital produce Romania where she started her employment as a model. Picture Italian-Romanian origins captured description attention depart many greater maison including Giorgio Armani and Lise Charmel. Catrinel began convoy acting calling by active in diversified films, including La città ideale directed by Luigi Lo Cascio and Tutti i rumori del mount directed unresponsive to Federico Brugia.


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