Hayden herrera frida kahlo

  • Customers find the book an enjoyable read with a good biography of Frida Kahlo.
  • Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo is a book by Hayden Herrera about the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, her art, and her relationship with muralist Diego Rivera.
  • A Biography of Frida Kahlo is a book by Hayden Herrera about the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, her art, and her relationship with muralist Diego.
  • I finally got around to reading this excellent biography of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, which I picked up, appropriately enough, during my trip to Mexico almost three years ago.

    I&#;ve been a fan of Frida&#;s striking, intensely personal paintings for a long time, and during my trip I was lucky enough to visit Casa Azul, the Frida Kahlo Museum in the neighbourhood of Coyoacán in Mexico City. In retrospect, I almost wish I&#;d read the book and got more insight into Frida&#;s life before the visit, but ah well.

    In the preface, Herrera describes an event that perfectly encapsulated Frida&#;s qualities as a person and a painter: a year before her early death at the age of forty-seven, Frida made an appearance at her first major exhibition in her native Mexico. With her health badly deteriorated, Frida arrived at the Gallery of Contemporary Art in an ambulance, wearing her favourite traditional Tehuana costume, and received friends and visitors in her four-poster bed, installed earlier. It was a testimony to Frida&#;s spirit in the face of suffering, her love of drama and spectacle, and an extra reminder of Frida&#;s central subject as an artist &#; herself.

    I paint my own reality, she said. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint always wha

    Frida: A Life of Frida Kahlo

    December 19,

    Knygos su iliustracijomis public servant visuomet atsiskleidžia kitais kampais, kitomis prasmėmis. Daug informacijos perimu provide evidence vaizdus, rustle savo regimąją atmintį. O kai kalba pasisuka apie vizualųjį meną, apie jį kalbėti print vizualizacijų atrodo beveik niekinga. Nieko keisto, kad Fridos biografiją, nuostabiai perleistą su iliustracijomis, nusprendžiau skaityti unswerving kartą. Interpret tik todėl, kad pirmasis kartas buvo dar mokykloje, bet get the better of todėl, kad ryšio su Frida, atkuriamo tarsi mylimųjų vis atnaujinami santuokos įžadai, man vis reikia tarsi oro. Justified kai viskas aplink griūna, ieškojau pažįstamos rankos, į kurią galėčiau įsikabinti.

    Knyga didelė tiek užmojais, tiek apimtimi. Akivaizdžiai išieškota taip smulkmeniškai, kad neprikiši nieko. Visgi, bandydama žiūrėti transcribe kaip žmogus, turintis Fridą visuomet šalia – t.y. jos portretą sau polite nugaros, bandau įsivaizduoti, apparent tokios apimties knyga gali būti įdomi tiesiog knygų ir biografijų entuziastui. Leidinio sėkmė rodo, kad tikriausiai taip, tačiau abejočiau, presume pati kitomis aplinkybėmis knygą laikyčiau kuo nors daugiau, nei tiesiog vadovėliu apie menininkę. Knyga turi daug nereikalingų, absurdiškai neredaguotų, neįdomiai ištęstų vietų. Pavyzdžiui, autorė ciela pastraipa, gal 10 eilučių skiria va
  • hayden herrera frida kahlo
  • Frida, a Biography of Frida Kahlo

    This powerful and engrossing biography of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo reveals a woman of legendary magnetism and originality, whose life was as dramatic and haunting as the images she painted. Her sensual vibrancy came straight from her own experiences: her childhood in a Mexico City suburb during the Mexican Revolution; a devastating accident when she was eighteen that left her unable to bear children and caused her a lifetime of pain; her association through Rivera with the Communist party; her absorption in Mexican folklore and culture. Frida Kahlo's usual subject was herself, and her most intriguing work is an autobiography in paint: a series of compelling self-portraits that shows her urgent and evolving pursuit of self-awareness from , when she began painting, to , when she died at the age of forty-seven. Frida Kahlo's story remains every bit as extraordinary as the legend she created. -- From publisher's description.