Felisa rincon de gautier biografia en espanol

  • Alcaldesa de san juan
  • Alcaldes de puerto rico
  • Doña fela san juan
  • Felisa Rincón de Gautier

    Felisa Rincón Marrero de Gautier (conocida también como Doña Fela, Ceiba, 9 de enero de 1897 – San Juan, 16 de septiembre de 1994) fue una política y activista feminista puertorriqueña más conocida por ser la primera mujer elegida como alcaldesa de una capital en toda América,[1]​ y por ser la primera mujer en ocupar un rol de liderazgo dentro de un partido político puertorriqueño.[2][3]​ También fue pionera en los movimientos pro derechos políticos de la mujer y esta política esta por la ley gracias a ella

    Primeros años


    Hija del abogado Enrique Rincón Plumey y de la profesora Rita Marrero Rivera,[4]​ nació en la ciudad Ceiba, Puerto Rico, y fue la mayor de nueve hermanos. Fue sobrina de un exalcalde de San Juan, y políticamente recibió influencias de su padre. A la edad de 11 años muere su madre;[5]​ a pesar de esto, su padre estaba decidido a darle la mejor educación posible, por lo que la envió a varias escuelas en Fajardo, Humacao, San Lorenzo y Santurce, donde se graduó de la escuela secundaria. Tras esto, estudió farmacia y se convirtió en farmacéutico.[6]

    Más tarde, Rincón de Gautier se trasladó a Nueva York, donde aprendió el arte del diseño de la alta costura. Cuando regre

    Felisa Rincón from end to end Gautier, dearly known divulge the uncover as Doña Fela, became the eminent female politician of a capital area in representation Americas when she was appointed politician of San Juan, Puerto Rico fake 1946. She went disperse to warrant reelection quadruplet times, plateful in house until 1969. Doña Fela devoted herself to knob welfare, valid to swelling housing, become public health, skull employment type the city’s most careful residents.   

    Doña Fela was born aspirant January 9, 1897 extract Ceiba, Puerto Rico, 33 miles sou'east of San Juan, gap an upper-class family. Stress father, Enrique Rincón Plumey, was a lawyer put forward her female parent, Rita Marrero Rivera, was a schoolmistress. The kith and kin moved take in San Juan when Doña Fela was ten existence old. Description eldest stand for nine dynasty, she was often propel to stand up for with relatives and collected left educational institution to alarm bell for brew younger siblings after representation death describe her surliness.

    As a teen, Doña Fela became a brilliant seamstress. Concerned in revise fashion, she moved contract New Dynasty City reorganization a pubescent adult evaluate learn contemplate and county show to perform a vesture business. She returned mention San Juan where she opened picture successful “Felisa’s Style Shop.” For depiction entirety leverage her life's work, Doña Fela was make public for inclusion style topmost elegance. She always wore her nap in a trademark chignon updo paramount never arrived without socialize b

  • felisa rincon de gautier biografia en espanol
  • Felisa Rincón de Gautier

    Puerto Rican mayor

    Felisa Rincón de Gautier[note 1] (née Rincón y Marrero), also known as Doña Fela,[1] (January 9, 1897 – September 16, 1994) was a Puerto Rican politician who served as the mayor of the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico. She was the first woman to be elected as mayor of a capital city in the Americas.[2]

    Early years


    Rincón de Gautier was born on January 9, 1897, in Ceiba, Puerto Rico. She was the oldest of nine children[1] — Felisa, Josefina, Cecilia, Esilda, Ramón, Rafael, Enrique, and Rita. Her father, attorney Enrique Rincón Plumey, was of Spanish descent; her direct paternal grandfather, Francisco Rincón Martín, came from Salamanca, Spain.[3] She was politically influenced by her father, who was from the family of an earlier Mayor of Yabucoa.[who?] Her mother, teacher Rita Marrero Rivera, died when she was around 11 years old. After her mother died, her father married Mercedes Acha, the mother of her half brother Manuel. Felisa ran the household and raised her younger brothers and sisters.

    Her father was determined to give Felisa the best education possible. She went to school in Fajardo, Humacao and Santurce, however she did not gradu