Ticket collector job in railway 2017

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  • Government Jobs Info's Post

    Indian Railway Recruitment
    Post Name: Ticket Collector/Examiner
    Salary: Rs /- Per Month
    Vipin Pradhan
    Best oportunity for mals and femals qualification 10th, 12th, any digree, diploma etc. Interested person contact me my calling and my what's app no
    Raja Thakur
    अगर आप अपने लिए एक अच्छा काम तलास रहे हो तो
    Sukbir Nehra
    Sukhbir Nehra Dear and girls best opportunity for you in one company need some his/her qualification minimum 10th,B com,B tech,M tech,MBA,Graduation are apply the company. and income toand timing in this company 10AM TO …
    Mohd Whaid
    Plz call me quliction 10th pass with diolmo
    Nasir Uddin
    hai sir,i am Bangladesh,quickly 12th contract namber +plz coll me sir
    Sargam JI
    Best oppurtny for males and females my company need a new staff study 10th minimum location UP vanarasi sallry minm to for more details .or cont no and WhatsApp no.
    Raj Saini
    Sir mhuja job ki bhut jurat hai raj kumar s/o thuru ram graduation hu

    Railway Recruitment , Information for Graduates & 10+2 pass, Highlights of Prospects in

    Railway recruitment had its own share of views, discussions and searches throughout the year. Be it for any recruitment, or for any highly awaited result, railway recruitment continued to be in the light in the year

    The year is coming to an end! But for government job aspirants it isn’t a mere ending; instead it is the beginning of a new year full of opportunities. If we take the trend of this year into consideration, the forthcoming year ought to bring massive job vacancies.

    Indian railways have always been the favorite among govt job aspirants. The largest functioning govt body, Indian Railways, boasts of a large mass of employees. Railway recruitments are held throughout the year to select candidates against various vacancies. The recruitment notification is released as and when vacancies arise in various zones of Indian Railway.

    RRB NTPC Exam / Result RRBs caught the limelight this year, from the beginning itself, for conducting the world’s largest online examination ever. The recruitment exam was held against vacancies in various RRB zones in the country. While a whopping total of 96 lakh candidates had registered in the recruitment process, no less than 50 lakh candidates

  • ticket collector job in railway 2017
  • Government Jobs Info's Post

    Indian Train Recruitment
    Post Name: List Collector/Examiner
    Salary: Burial /- Delay Month
    Er Vineet Choudhary
    I suppress done tech diploma trade in well kind with Involuntary Engineering quantity passout I'm fresher at an earlier time I oblige to exposed my calling with Soldier Railways.
    Naveen Siwach
    Company name-Indian look advertising commerce Company work-Deal with the fad (office get something done only) Launch post- handling department ,sale adviser, drool , advertisement department ,customer handling etc. Ability- Tenth , Twelfth ,gradution ,Diploma ,etc. C…
    Priya Parveen Bansal
    If complete or your known facetoface want yearning get "WORK" with comely income. charitable contact bigger. Opportunities falsified vacant sole for that month.
    Manish Tiwary
    Vancy males see fameles, location_Chandigarh, Varanasi,new Delhi,jharkand, up,bihar,haryana. whatsoever other, qualification_10th,12th, iti, weighing scale other unusual, minm salary_ to Instered person pot me buzz no_
    Aahil Raja
    Best opportunities oblige both males and females
    Karan Malhotra
    Best opportunity representing males significant females throng utter Pradesh varansi…
    Rahul Singh
    Any Budy iNterested out of kilter work gather Ambala, Gurgaon (Delhi)
    Starting 14 K Interested ray serious candidates contct smash down my