Shireen sandoval biography of barack

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  • Entertainment TV Host Movie Critic New Wifey🕊️ Fashion Influencer ‍ I ❤️ Shoes Gas station wine Deco Drive/WSVN/CH7 #MIAMI (via New Mexico).
  • Feeling Magenta

     Despite the hustle and bustle around the television station, when I closed the door to my office, the room fell silent and my composure quickly started to crack. The brief reprieve from the buzz of the newsroom left me open to a wide range of emotions: I laughed, cried and then quickly buried my head into my hands and let out a silent scream. I was undeniably NUTS with excitement.

    Like a boxer who had just won the most important title bout of his life, I balled both of my hands up into tight fists and punched the air with an enthusiasm reserved only for the movies…”Rocky,” “Rudy” and “Chariots Of Fire” had nothing on me. It wasn’t enough, though, so I jabbed the air again, this time like an athlete who had just won an Olympic gold medal.

    One she had worked and sacrificed her entire life for. I had finally done it; won the match, earned the medal and the moment was all mine. I wanted to call someone and share it. I wanted to tell someone that the years of sacrifice, commitment and hard work had finally paid off. All the holidays I had worked through, birthday parties I had missed, family reunions I couldn’t attend and relationships I couldn’t sustain because all of my energy always went to work – I wanted to scream to anyone who would listen that it was AL

    Home for the Holidays

    After pouring myself a glass of cheap wine, I sat in front of my Christmas tree and cried. It was the first holiday I had ever spent alone and away from home. I wasn’t just sad, I was bone-wearingly exhausted from my overnight shift at work. It left me wondering if the relentless sacrifices I was making (the crazy hours, aggressive work load, being away from my friends and family) all to pursue my dreams of being a television journalist were even worth it.  

    Earlier that week, my mother had sent me a box full of goodies to cheer me. Despite dreading the approaching holiday, I carefully placed each present under the tree and waited to open them. My usual tradition was to enjoy the most amazing Christmas Eve dinner with my family. My mother always prepared her yearly feast of steak and lobster. It was a treat all of us anticipated and relished; feeding a lot of kids that kind of food was expensive and my parents saved all year to make it happen.

    After we devoured our meal, each person at the table would become the center of attention as they opened one allocated gift. Naturally, everyone oohed and awed at the reveal, but the rest of the presents and overstuffed stockings were saved for a joyful Christmas morning, one that was celebrated with pastries,

  • shireen sandoval biography of barack
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