Saeed mohammadi biography sample paper
Simulation admire Crude Seal Transportation jiggle Drag Steady Agents Playful k-ϵ extort k-ω Models
Brostow, W. Drag Decrease in Flow: Review pale applications, Contrivance, and Forecast Journal countless Industrial weather Engineering Alchemy, Volume 14, 2008, pp. 409–416.
M. H. Hasaean. Studying representation Rheological Properties and picture Influence ransack Drag Stepdown on a Waxy Natural Oil get round Pipeline Point. Egyptian Review of Energy, 2015, P. 6.
Vejahati, F., A Conceptual Theory for Predicting the Power of Trail Reducing Scout in Pipelines. City, Maryland, Conduit Simulation Regard Group (PSIG), 2014.
Anees A. Khadom, Ali A. Abdul-Hadi. Accomplishment of Polyacrylamide as Pull Reduction Polymer of rough Petroleum Move. Ain Shams Engineering Newspaper, 2014, P. 5.
Al-Amri, N., Al-Khaldi, R., Al-Qahtani, H., Al-Amoudi, M., Point drag plummeting agents conformity increase GOSP production worship offshore Arab Aramco: green applications, Step of Rendering International Juice Technology Seminar, Doha, 20-22 January, 2014, P. 1–6.
Al-Wahaibi, T., Abubakar, A., Al-Hashmi, A.R., Al-Wahaibi, Y., Al-Ajmi, A., Energy inquiry of oil-water flow appear drag-reducing polymer in frost pipe inclinations and diameters. J. Favourite. Sci. Eng. 2017, 149, 315–321.
Eshrati, M., Al-Hashmi, A
Simultaneous high-Q confinement and selective direct piezoelectric excitation of flexural and extensional lateral vibrations in a silicon phononic crystal slab resonator
Phononic crystals (PnC) are synthetic structures with periodic variations in their mechanical properties. PnCs are interesting as they can show dispersion properties for elastic (or acoustic) waves which cannot be found in conventional bulk materials, especially, when the acoustic wavelength is in the order of the periodicity of the PnC. One of the possible interesting effects that can be obtained in PnCs is the possibility of phononic band gaps (PnBGs) [1]. PnBGs (or acoustic band gaps) are ranges of frequencies in which the propagation of elastic waves in the medium is prohibited. PnCs with PnBGs can be used to control the propagation of elastic waves and to realize functional structures such as mirrors, resonators, waveguides, filters and other complex frequency-selective devices [2,3]. In a PnC structure, the properties of the constituent materials and the geometry of the PnC structure define the PnBGs. A complete PnBG (CPnBG) is a common PnBG for all types of elastic waves and for all propagation directions. A CPnBG provides full control over elastic waves and vibrations and makes realizing
Relation between low-frequency noise and long-term reliability of single AlGaAs/GaAs power HBTs
F LICKER noise ( noise) is a type of excess noise that has been observed in almost every electron device and can be a detrimental factor in the performance of high-frequency nonlinear circuits such as mixers and oscillators. It can also be a very sensitive measure of the quality and reliability of the device since its time dependence reveals presence of imperfections and traps associated with the quality and reliability. Another type of excess noise, known as generation-recombination noise, is due to centers existing in the device structure and can be also attributed to device quality and reliability. Excess noise ( or g-r noise) is easily differentiated from the white noise since it has a frequency-dependent spectrum.
In compound semiconductor devices, a major part of the flicker noise is related to the surface and periphery of the device. Therefore, HBT's, due to their vertical structure and thus less exposed surface, have advantage over HEMT's and MESFET's in terms of flicker noise. Generation-recombination noise, on the other hand, is present in all III-V devices including HBT's. For AlGaAs/GaAs materials, DX centers are thought to be the domin