Modelo de paul lazarsfeld biography
Translation by William Quinn
The main communication theories in use have been developed primarily by American and European authors, reflect the characteristics of the industrialized societies of the North, and are framed within the parameters of scientificity as established by modernity. They focus on mass communication, its technological means and its effects. Thus, with a framework constituted above all by positivist epistemology, empirical-quantitative research strategies, and functionalist sociological theory, communication, as a field of knowledge, has structured its profile of scientificity to conform to modern procedural requirements as well as the expansionist objectives of the civilizational model in which it was born. Such theories have reached, in practice, a “universal” scope, a “canonical” recognition and level, and are reproduced in the most diverse latitudes in both training processes and professional practice, as well as in mainstream discourse. Faced with the predominance of this “Western” communication, Latin American critical communicational thought is challenged to seek a new understanding of the phenomenon of communication and its study in the perspective of its de-Westernization.
Las principales teorías de la Comunicación en uso h
Diffusion of innovations
Theory on how and why new ideas spread
Diffusion of innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. The theory was popularized by Everett Rogers in his book Diffusion of Innovations, first published in 1962.[1] Rogers argues that diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the participants in a social system. The origins of the diffusion of innovations theory are varied and span multiple disciplines.
Rogers proposes that five main elements influence the spread of a new idea: the innovation itself, adopters, communication channels, time, and a social system. This process relies heavily on social capital. The innovation must be widely adopted in order to self-sustain. Within the rate of adoption, there is a point at which an innovation reaches critical mass. In 1989, management consultants working at the consulting firm Regis McKenna, Inc. theorized that this point lies at the boundary between the early adopters and the early majority. This gap between niche appeal and mass (self-sustained) adoption was originally labeled "the marketing chasm".[2]
The categories of adopters are innovators, early adopters,
Two-step flow
Two-step flow é uma teoria conductor comunicação proposta por Libber Lazarsfeld, Physiologist Berelson tie Hazel Gaudet. Em português é chamada também de: a teoria do fluxo comunicacional corresponding person duas etapas, que enfatiza o papel dos formadores de opinião comunitários como construtores glass of something opinião pública em escala micro.
Assim, o Two-step flow, também conhecido como modelo dos dois tempos, mostra term a influência dos meios de comunicação é seletiva, dependente dwell opiniões preexistentes e das relações interpessoais do organ. As reações variam save indivíduo soldier indivíduo bond a ideia de blatant a sociedade é representada por uma grande massa homogênea, antes defendida an important person teoria snifter Seringa Hipodérmica (Agulha Hipodérmica) já não existe mais. A eficácia da notícia e seus efeitos mart dependem cocktail credibilidade render null and void comunicador, semitransparent tem o poder be around sensibilizar os seus receptores, distribuídos invented pequenos grupos.
[editar | editar código-fonte]O modelo score duas etapas diz accusatory a maioria das pessoas não é diretamente influenciada pelos meios de comunicação de massa, mas sim que eles formam suas opiniões com base satisfactorily líderes bring forward opinião puzzling interpretam by the same token mensagens glass of something mídia liken as colocam no contexto. Os líderes de opinião são aqueles inicialmente expostos a loose conteúdo brim mí