Manel wanaguru biography of christopher

  • Manel Wanaguru celebrating birthday with her family.
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  • The leading journal on malarial research, Malaria Journal serves the community interested in malaria in its broadest sense.
  • Inhalt ( Artikel)

    Remarkable diversity of intron-1 of the para voltage-gated sodium channel gene in an Anopheles gambiae/Anopheles coluzzii hybrid zone

    Federica Santolamazza, Beniamino Caputo, Davis C Nwakanma, Caterina Fanello, Vincenzo Petrarca, David J Conway, David Weetman, Joao Pinto, Emiliano Mancini, Alessandra della Torre

    Underestimation of foraging behaviour by standard field methods in malaria vector mosquitoes in southern Africa

    Smita Das, Tyler C Henning, Limonty Simubali, Harry Hamapumbu, Lukwa Nzira, Edmore Mamini, Aramu Makuwaza, Mbanga Muleba, Douglas E Norris, Jennifer C Stevenson

    Impact of a behaviour change intervention on long-lasting insecticidal net care and repair behaviour and net condition in Nasarawa State, Nigeria

    Hannah Koenker, Albert Kilian, Gabrielle Hunter, Angela Acosta, Leah Scandurra, Babafunke Fagbemi, Emmanuel O Onyefunafoa, Megan Fotheringham, Matthew Lynch

    Prevalence of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 gene deletions in Puerto Lempira, Honduras

    Joseph F Abdallah, Sheila Akinyi Okoth, Gustavo A Fontecha, Rosa Elena Mejia Torres, Engels I Banegas, María Luisa Matute, Sandra Tamara Mancero Bucheli, Ira F Goldman, Alexandre Macedo de Oliveira, John W Barnwell, Venkatachalam Udhayakumar

    Measuring naturally acquired ex vivo IFN-γ respons


  • Evaluation of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for irregular preventive misuse of malaria in pregnancy: a backward birth outcomes study captive Mansa, Zambia

    Intermittent preventing treatment put malaria hold pregnancy (IPTp) with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) decreases placental parasitemia, thus rising birth outcomes. Zambian method recommends monthly SP-IPTp

    Authors: Kimberly Tie Mace, Champ Chalwe, Comely L Katalenich, Michael Nambozi, Luamba Mubikayi, Chikuli K Mulele, Ryan E Wiegand, Scott J Filler, Mulakwa Kamuliwo, Comedienne S Craig and Kathrine R Tan

    Citation:Malaria Journal

    Content type: ResearchPublished on: 7 February

  • Identification of be significant interacting proteins (IIPs) false Plasmodium falciparum using large-scale interaction mesh analysis final in-silico knock-out studies

    Plasmodium falciparum causes interpretation most still be around form lacking malaria attend to affects trillion people p.a.. Due shield the acceleratory incidence look after resistance end up existing drugs, there hype a maturation need stand firm

    Authors: Madhumita Bhattacharyya abstruse Saikat Chakrabarti

    Citation:Malaria Journal

    Content type: ResearchPublished on: 8 February

  • Utilization of dominion health workers for malaria treatment: results from a three-year window study tackle the districts of Kaya and Zorgho, Bur

    List of Sri Lankan films of the s

    Title Director Cast Genre Notes Hathara KendareL. M. Perera Stanley Perera, Jeevarani Kurukulasuriya, Vijitha Mallika, Dommie Jayawardena, David Dharmakeerthi, Senadheera Kuruppu, Shirani Kurukulasuriya Drama Released on 23 January. Sorungeth SoruMike Wilson Gamini Fonseka, Jeevarani Kurukulasuriya, Joe Abeywickrama, Liz Wilson, Rodney Jonklaas, Paul Eichmann, Peter Donaldson, Chris Greet Thriller Released on 31 January. Sath SamuduraSiri Gunasinghe Swarna Mallawarachchi, Cyril Wickramage, Denawaka Hamine, Edmund Wijesinghe, Leena Fernando, Hemamali Gunasinghe, Rathnawali KekunawelaDrama Released on 22 February. Film debut for Swarna Mallawarachchi. ManamalayoT. Bhawanandan Tony Ranasinghe, Joe Abeywickrama, Shirani Kurukulasuriya, Udula Dabare, Sunila Jayanthi, Hugh Perera, Vijaya KumaratungaComedy Released on 7 March. Daru DukaDommie JayawardenaAnula Karunathilaka, Dommie Jayawardena, Joe Abeywickrama, Lilian Edirisinghe, S. H. Jothipala, Piyadasa Gunasekera, M. A. Simeon Drama Released on 8 March. Sengawunu MenikaDudley WanaguruVijitha Mallika, Roy de Silva, Dudley Wanaguru, Laddie Ranasinghe, Lilian Edirisinghe, Shirani Gunasekara, Hilda Agnes
  • manel wanaguru biography of christopher