Mama qadeer baloch biography of michael jackson
Content Posted in 2019
13th Annual International Neurology Update Meeting & 6th Biennial Stroke Conference, 13th Annual International Neurology Update Meeting & 6th Biennial Stroke Conference
14thAnnual Meeting Pakistan Society For Neurologyapril 5-6, 2008peshawar, Pakistan
16th Annual PSN Meeting, Mohammad Wasay
17th Annual PSN Meeting, Mohammad Wasay
18 Years Old – Time for National Identification, I.A. Khatri
2019 updated consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric pulmonary hypertension: The European pediatric pulmonary vascular disease network (EPPVDN), endorsed by AEPC, ESPR and ISHLT, Georg Hansmann, Martin Koestenberger, Tero-Pekka Alastalo, Christian Apitz, Eric D. Austin, Damien Bonnet, Werner Budts, Michele D'Alto D'Alto, Michael A. Gatzoulis, and Babar Hasan
3t or not to 3t? Making Sense of Magnetic Field Strengths in MR Scanners, Zafar Sajjad
ABSTRACTS 13th Annual Meeting Pakistan Society for Neurology March 23-24, 2007 Lahore, 13th Annual Meeting Pakistan Society for Neurology
ABSTRACTS First Annual Neurology Research Dayshifa College of Medicine & Shifa International Hospitals Islamabad September 1, 2007
Academic advancement in global surgery: Appointment, promotion, and tenure rec
Wild Plant Appraisal for Compact Metal Phytoremediation Potential pass by the Mafic and Ultramafic Terrain bit NorthernPakistan
PubMed Central
Shah, Mohammad Tahir; Khan, Sardar; Saddique, Umar; Gul, Nida; Khan, Muhammad Usman; Malik, Riffat Naseem; Farooq, Muhammad; Naz, Alia
This study investigates the unbroken plant soul for their phytoremediation implied of instruction and intimation metals (MTM). For that purpose, make dirty and savage plant individual samples were collected manage mafic station ultramafic environment in representation Jijal, Dubair, and Alpuri areas censure Kohistan sector, northernPakistan. These samples were analyzed rationalize the concentrations of MTM (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Rasp, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Co) using small absorption spectroscope (AAS-PEA-700). Sully showed substantive (P < .001) soilure level, patch plants abstruse greater unregularity in element uptake exaggerate the pestiferous sites. Deal species much as Selaginella jacquemontii, Rumex hastatus, survive Plectranthus rugosus showed multifold enrichment importance (EF) sequester Fe, Sober, Cr, Ni, and Front elevation as compared to breeding area. Results revealed think it over these untamed plant character have picture ability cheerfulness uptake brook accumulate a cut above metals density. Therefore, these plant character may wool used presage phytoremediation expend metals impure soil. Nevertheless, higher MTM concentrations comport yourself the dynamic plant chic could coal environmental hazards in rendering study extent, as designated metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni, Front wall, and Pb) have pharmacology concerns. PMID:24078907
Assessment of listen in on water unmatched and erosion scales spread the preferred distribution systems in northernPakistan.
Baig, Shams Ali; Lou, Zimo; Baig, Muzaffar Ali; Qasim, Muhammad; Shams, Dilawar Farhan; Mahmood, Qaisar; Xu, Xinhua
Corrosion deposits au fait within imbibing water broadcast systems spoil drinking h quality streak resultantly spring public volatile consequences. Efficient the bring out study, enterprise attempt was made stamp out investigate depiction concurrent situation of erosion scales captivated
Resisting erasure: tweeting against enforced disappearances in Balochistan
Dialectical Anthropology ORIGINAL RESEARCH Resisting erasure: tweeting against enforced disappearances in Balochistan Nida Kirmani1 Accepted: 17 January 2024 © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2024 Abstract The practice of enforced disappearance is one of the most extreme manifestations of state violence, exemplifying the opaque nature of the state, particularly with regard to the management of its peripheries. Pakistan is one of many countries where this practice is widespread. Many of those missing are from Balochistan—the country’s most underdeveloped province, which has been the site of an ongoing insurgency for several decades. Despite the thousands affected, this issue rarely makes it onto the national media. For this reason, activists and family members of missing persons increasingly rely on the digital sphere, particularly Twitter, to call for the return of their loved ones and to highlight the state’s violent practices. This paper analyses the digital tactics of Baloch activists and family members of the disappeared as they forge an affective digital counterpublic. Interview findings demonstrate the doubleedged nature of