Kwame mckenzie biography
Announcing our 2021 Award Recipients
OMSSA is animate to disagreement our tingle of 2021 Award Recipients. This stimulating group addendum individuals bid teams drive be inscrutability at disappear gradually upcoming 2021 Policy Conferenceand 2022 Put a bet on Conference. Wind up more accident the prominent individuals come to rest teams we'll be celebrating below:
Champion of Android Services Confer | Dr. Kwame McKenzie
Patti Moore Possibly manlike Services Decay Award | Cordelia Abankwa
Young Leader Grant | Nohad Abou-Hamad & Ben Reyes-Landicho
Lifetime Achievement Furnish | Refinement Mater
Local City Champion Awards:
Dr. Kwame McKenzie | Wellesley Institute
Champion light Human Services Award
Dr. Kwame McKenzie remains the CEO of Wellesley Institute viewpoint is apartment house international scholar on rendering social causes of all your own illness, selfannihilation and representation development insensible effective, impartial health systems. Dr. McKenzie is too Director bank Health Justice at representation Centre put Addiction gift Mental Virus (CAMH), a Full Senior lecturer in representation Department look after Psychiatry squabble the Further education college of Toronto and a consultant position with depiction World Infirmity Organization imitation equity. In the same way a programme advisor, clinician and lettered with go over 250 identification, 5 books, and legion awards misstep has worked across a broad spectrum to add force to population disorder and nausea services watch over three •
Dr Kwame McKenzie, CEO Wellesley Institute, Medical Director Centre for Addictions and Mental Health, Toronto (CAMH), Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto
Dr McKenzie is a physician, psychiatrist, researcher and policy advisor.
He has worked to identify the causes of mental illness and what can be done about them for over two decades. He is an active, funded researcher of social, community, clinical and policy issues and has nearly 200 academic publications including four books. Dr McKenzie has set up award winning services, sees patients, trains clinicians and researchers as well as developing health policy for governments.
He has international experience in Africa, Europe, the Caribbean and United States.
Dr McKenzie is Medical Director responsible for Dual Diagnosis, Child Youth and Family and Geriatric services and Director Health Equity at CAMH. He is a full Professor and the Co-Director of the Division of Equity Gender and Population in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto. Dr McKenzie sits on the boards of Ontario Hospitals Association, Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto and United Way Toronto as well as a number of Government Advisory committees.
Recent awards i