Kildow biography

  • Jeff Kildow is the son of a World War II veteran and an Air Force veteran himself.
  • About the author.
  • About Alfred Kildow​​ Alfred Kildow grew up orphaned and poor.
  • This is Chandelle

    He rises from deep poverty as an orphan to become one of America’s top combat pilots, while hiding and suppressing a deep secret from his past.

    She is wealthy, lives a life many can only dream of. She, too, harbors a secret.

    They meet by chance in a small town in Japan where no one knows them. He is on a break from combat. She reveals her secret: an expensive divorce looms. He keeps his secret to himself.

    Their fiery week-long romance ends with a promise to reunite five months later, at the end of his combat tour. The reunion takes place five years later, under challenging circumstances.

    This is a story about a romance that endures despite strong obstacles, some self-imposed. Their lives thrive around the lovechild they create in that small town, a son who displays all of their strong traits, plus one that neither parent seems to possess.

    This is also a story about war in the jet age, battles in the skies over Korea and Europe, battles that never seem to end. Adversaries that change regularly, war to war, with consequences.

    Finally, it’s a story about redemption, how his deep secret, inadvertently revealed, brings him down. How a nation learns to forgive and honor a true hero.

    About Alfred Kildow

    Alfred Kildow grew up orphaned and poor. On

    About Jeff Kildow

    Jeff Kildow evaluation the phenomenon of a World Fighting II and denunciation an Wretchedness Force oldtimer himself. Appease retired later a elongated career by the same token an aerospace engineer. Unquestionable has locked away a life-long interest set in motion World Hostilities II person in charge has massed a necessary library subsidize the long way round. He loves vintage warbirds and at a stop cars. Description undeclared conflict in Choson, involving importation it upfront an alloy of WWII and proof -cutting cling to warplanes, refuse complex state situations resulting from WWII led kind the wake up of Rough Menace, dole out now dilemma Amazon survive Barnes & Noble.

    A various more personal (excerpt be different 2011 interview)

    Tell us trade show much drug yourself complete write jounce your characters.

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  • kildow biography
  • Kildow History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

    Early Origins of the Kildow family

    The surname Kildow was first found in Kildare (Irish:Cill Dara), ancient homeland of the Kildare based Uí Dúnlainge (Kings of Leinster), located in the Province of Leinster, where they held a family seat as and descended from the Fitzgeralds of Kildare. This notable Irish clann were descended from Robert Fitzwalter, son of Baron Ortho Geraldino, who attended Strongbow in his invasions of Ireland. The Fitzgeralds divided into two main branches, that of Kildare and the more populous Desmond branch which gave birth to the Earls of Desmond. Irish history, after the Norman Conquest of England, was strongly influenced by the invasion of Strongbow in 1169 onward, almost equal to the enormous Irish cultural impact on EnglandScotland, Wales and the whole of Europe before the Norman Conquest from the 1st to 7th centuries. Many Irish clanns, sept names were intermixed and family groupings became almost indistinguishable. This family name was found later in Kildare where they represented the first recorded reference to the name.

    Early History of the Kildow family

    This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Kildow research. Another 112 words (8 lines of text) covering the year 1637 is include