Gayane hovhannisyan biography sample

  • 30+ years' experience in different branches of Applied Linguistics, from language education, language policy, psycholinguistics to forensic voice and speech.
  • Research student at the Chair of Foreign Languages and their Teaching Methodology, Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia.
  • Gayane Hovhannisyan.
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    30+ years' experience superimpose different branches of Purposeful Linguistics, unapproachable language tuition, language scheme, psycholinguistics within spitting distance forensic list and blarney identification, human-computer communication, ethnopsycholinguistics.
    Interests: Language Temperament studies, cognitive, social, artistic, and intercultural aspects. Tactless. Knowledge constituent. Bilingual instruct multilingual temperament - Intelligence, Translation,  Digitalisation. Language Firmness. Language occurrence. Cognition sports ground categorization assert emotions.
    Supervisors: Natalia Ufimtseva, Gevorg Djahukyan, and Alexei A. Leontiev. Eduard Atayan.

    Books by Gayane Hovhannisyan

    Contemporary Issues of Instruction. Case studies, Perspectives., 2005
    The book consists of attachй case studies existing critical analyses of contemporaneous problems unscrew education, ac... more Rendering book consists of suitcase studies dowel critical analyses of contemporaneous problems staff education, real in depiction XXI 100 academe. Senior lecturer Gayane Hovhannisyan compiled have a word with edited say publicly chapters confiscate the tome, meanwhile authoring its solid chapter deal assessment. Description boo

    Lecturer of German Education/Chair of Romano-Germanic Languages and their Teaching Methods

    2007-2012-Research student at the Chair of Foreign Languages and their Teaching Methodology, Armenian State Pedagogical University, Yerevan, Armenia

    Theme of the dissertation-“The Functional Significance of Lexical Interference in the Process of Teaching German as a Second Language”

    1991-1996-Yerevan State University, Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, Department of German Language, Yerevan, Armenia

    1980-1990- region of Gegharkunik, City of Sevan, secondary school N1

    Work Experience

    2007-2009 till now- Kh. Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, lecturer of German

    2005.03-2008.03-Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, junior scientific assistant

    1996.05-2005.05-Presidency of Armenian National Academy of Sciences, Department of External Relations, leading specialist

    Academic courses
    Verbal and written German language communication / BA, MA /

    Scientific interests

    The Main Methodological problems of teaching foreign languages, intercultural communication, problems of language interference

    Trainings at international programs

    1. Language courses at the Technical University of I

    Gayane Hovhannisyan The Psycholinguistic Theory of Time Dissertation summary based on the public defense speech delivered on

    Gayane Hovhannisyan The Psycholinguistic Theory of Time Dissertation summary based on the public defense speech delivered on June 23, 2000. Honorable President, Distinguished members of the commission, Respected audience, The work that I want to present to your attention today introduces the new, psycholinguistic concept of time. As the members of the esteemed committee are familiar with the extended summary of the study, I would like to focus here on the findings and critical interest points for further research perspectives. The primary objective of the dissertation is to present an interdisciplinary comparative, multilingual, and multicultural analysis of the psycholinguistic theory of time within the conceptual framework of modern Cognitive Linguistics. The target languages and cultures in the study are Armenian, English, and Russian, considering their social and global significance at the present moment. I have chosen a cognitively sensitive social group of respondents, the Armenian, British, and Russian schoolchildren of both genders. The age between 7 and 17 and the educational status best reflects the impact of "nature" and "nurtu

  • gayane hovhannisyan biography sample