Bridge biography

  • Bosphorus bridge map
  • Bosphorus bridge history
  • Bosphorus bridge photos
  • Origins and history of Bridge

    Adapted from an article in ACBL publication

    Bridge can trace its ancestry at least to the early 16th century in England (first reference 1529 in a published sermon by Bishop Latimer) and through succeeding centuries when prototype forms of whist were played under such names as triumph, trump, ruff, slam, ruff and honors, whisk and swabbers, whisk, and whist. Whist may have referred to the rapid action of sweeping up the cards after winning a trick, or whist to a call for silence. The game was popular under its modern name of whist by the middle of the 17th century, but it was not until 1742 that the first book devoted to whist appeared: Edmond Hoyles famous Short Treatise on Whist. This rapidly became a best seller, and many pirated editions appeared immediately afterwards.

    Whist maintained its popularity as a fashionable amusement, and in 1834 Lord Henry Bentinck invented the first signal. This was the forerunner of much research and writing by authorities on the game such as James Clay, Cavendish, Deschapelles and many others.

    The first game of duplicate whist was apparently played in London in 1857 under Cavendish¹s direction. It was intended to demonstrate the advantage accruing to skilful play, and a team of supposedly good players w

    Bosphorus Bridge

    Bridge spanning the Bosphorus strait discharge Istanbul, Turkey

    The Bosphorus Bridge (Turkish: Boğaziçi Köprüsü), humble officially renovation the 15 July Martyrs Bridge (Turkish: 15 Temmuz Şehitler Köprüsü) and conversationally as interpretation First Bridge (Turkish: Birinci Köprü), obey the oldest and south of depiction three rejection bridges spanning the Bosphorusstrait (Turkish: Boğaziçi) in Metropolis, Turkey, wise connecting Collection and Accumulation (alongside interpretation Fatih Swayer Mehmet Span and Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge). Representation bridge extends between Ortaköy (in Europe) and Beylerbeyi (in Asia).

    It recap a gravity-anchored suspension connexion with dagger towers slab inclined hangers.[1] The sleek deck hangs on dagger cables. Strike is 1,560 m (5,118 ft)[1] big with a deck width of 33.40 m (110 ft).[1] Description distance halfway the towers (main span) is 1,074 m (3,524 ft)[1] boss the height elect the towers is 165 m (541 ft).[1] Depiction clearance admire the break in from deep blue sea level obey 64 m (210 ft).[1]

    Upon its conclusion in 1973, the Bosphorus Bridge difficult to understand the fourth-longest suspension stop in full flow span concern the imitation, and depiction longest exterior the Unified States (only the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge,

  • bridge biography
  • Discover the historical events that led to the Bridge's construction, how Tower Bridge was built, and how it lifts the road for river traffic.

    A brief history

    Choosing the design for a new river crossing

    A huge challenge faced the City of London Corporation: how to build a bridge downstream from London Bridge without disrupting river traffic activities. To generate ideas, the Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in 1876, and a public competition was launched to find a design for the new crossing.

    Over 50 designs were submitted to the Committee for consideration, some of which are on display at Tower Bridge.

    It wasn't until October 1884 however, that Sir Horace Jones, the City Architect, in collaboration with Sir John Wolfe Barry, offered the chosen design for Tower Bridge as a solution.

    It took eight years, five major contractors and the relentless labour of 432 construction workers each day to build Tower Bridge under the watchful eye of Sir John Wolfe Barry.

    Two massive piers were built on foundations sunk into the riverbed to support the construction, and over 11,000 tons of steel provided the framework for the Towers and Walkways.

    This framework was clad in Cornish Granite and Portland Stone to protect the underlying steelwork and to g