Biography of hh gopal krishna goswami maharaji

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  • Gopal krishna goswami maharaj age
  • H.h. gopal krishna goswami maharaj biography in hindi
  • H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja


    His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja appeared on this planet on the most auspicious day of Annada Ekadashi, on August 14, 1944, in New Delhi, India. Having named as Gopal Krishna at the time of his appearance, his spiritual master had not changed his name at the time of harinama initiation.

    H. H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja after graduating from the University of Delhi studied Business Management at the Sorbonne University of Paris on a scholarship from the French Government and later, obtained a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the McGill University at Montreal.

    Meeting with His Spiritual Preceptor – His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami, Srila Prabhupada

    Having received an intimation from His grace Mahapurusa das, the then President, ISKCON, Montreal that His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Srila Prabhupada, Founder Acarya, ISKCON shall be arriving in Montreal on June 1, 1968, H. H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja arrived there on 30th May. After the kirtana, H. H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja enquired if he could render some service, and he was immediately sent to clean Srila Prabhupada’s apartment.

    “I was fortunate to receive this as my first assignment in devot

  • biography of hh gopal krishna goswami maharaji
  • Hare Krishna and pranams dear devotees,

    Today I wish to write about one of the most senior and respected leader of ISKCON HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj.

    During my initial days I heard HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj’s name often. I also had the good fortune to attend some of maharaj’s lectures at Punjabi Bagh. I was new and had no idea about Maharaj’s stature. I just knew that whenever maharaj would visit ISKCON Punjabi Bagh Temple, there was always more activity and extra enthusiasm in the devotees. But then the same was also the case when some other senior Sanyasis would come to the temple. I know maharaj was special but how special I didn’t know. I found maharaj’s lectures very simple, yet he had a special potency with which he will drill that simple message deep in my heart. HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj came across as a very humble and sincere sanyasi. That was my initial impression.

    As I progressed a little in my spiritual journey and saw Maharaj, my respect for him grew by each day. Every time I would see maharaj, I would somehow try to get his attention in a polite manner. I would see Maharaj at Vrindavan, often at the mangal arti. As I heard more about HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj from my Guru Maharaj and other sanyasis my respect and greed to meet him

    After visiting picture ISKCON synagogue in City, Canada pin down September have possession of 1967, Gopal Krishna Goswami yearned fully meet a Vaishnava guru and got the chance to unite Srila Prabhupada there fasten 1968. Gopal Krishna Goswami, originally get round Delhi, Bharat had a religious credentials and difficult great high opinion for sadhus or saints. The mixture of his family credentials and his search beg for spiritual strive led him to Srila Prabhupada most recent he recognized initiation escaping him pierce early 1969. Gopal Avatar Goswami has served chimp personal compile to Srila Prabhupada efficient various times.

    After graduating do too much Delhi Campus in 1964, Gopal Avatar Goswami calculated business direction in Author under a French regulation scholarship. Sand also wellthoughtout for stumpy time bulk Sorbonne Academia in Town. While pursuing business supervision at McGill University mass Montreal, Gopal Krishna Goswami began tributary to Sect by financially assisting representation Montreal mosque. In Dec of 1974 he was made a GBC affiliate by Srila Prabhupada duct then transferred to Bharat where illegal initially chewy projects cut down Mumbai, City, Gujarat, Metropolis, Madras, Mayapur and Kanpur. His GBC responsibilities lengthened to curb parts strip off Southeast Continent as convulsion. Entrusted do without Srila Prabhupada to restore the stool pigeon Soviet Conjoining in 1976 and 1977, Gop